Serenity Blooms by Natasha Kanevski


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Serenity Blossoms
Natasha Kanevski
Clay on canvas
10” x 10” x 1.5”d

We do not have to be 100% perfect, smooth, or precisely fitted. The artwork does not have to be done with the most delicate invisible strokes to convey a feeling of tenderness, purity, and completeness.
Rough texture, on the contrary, only emphasizes tenderness, making it even more tangible.
Nobody's perfect:
Our roughness, wrinkles, irregularities, and cracks only emphasize our humanity, revealing our essence, that each of us is infinitely beautiful in our fragility and mortality.

Get to Know the Austin Artist:
I am a Belarus-born Israeli-American based in Cedar Park, Texas.
I create meta-modernistic sculptures on canvas. I work in monochrome to allow attention to concentrate on texture and composition. I blend painting with sculpture, embedding the human condition into each coarse element. My work reflects the balance between our fragility and strength, showing how deeply connected we all are.